Our Explosive New Book Is Coming

You'll be able to Pre-Order It by mid 2025!

It's Going To Blow The Lid Off Of

The Corrupt US Food System!


Chapter 1: The Agrarian American

Chapter 2: Great, Great, Great Grandma's Garden

Chapter 3: The Sanctity of Seeds

Chapter 4: The Emergence of the Super Market

Chapter 5: When Super Markets Became Chains

Chapter 6: The GMO Gangsters

Chapter 7: When Bayer Bought Monsanto

Chapter 8: Artificial Sweetener Atrocities

Chapter 9: Food Pyramid Pablum

Chapter 10: Obesity In America

Chapter 11: Diabetes, the #3 Killer

Chapter 12: The Organic Food Revolution

Chapter 13: Organic Food from . . . MEXICO?

Chapter 14: What's Allowed On the Organic List?

Chapter 15: POPS Aren't Our Protective Fathers

Chapter 16: Why is Heart Disease Still the #1 Killer?

Chapter 17: What is The China Study?

Chapter 18: Who Are The Real Healers?

Chapter 19: The Emergence of the Covid . . . Pandemic?

Chapter 20:  How Compromised Are the CDC and the FDA?

Chapter 21: Our Shrinking Life Spans

Chapter 22: What's Happening at the WHO?

Chapter 23: Where Is The Hope?

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