A Food Forever™ Farm will soon be built at the Biocybernaut Institute in Sedona Arizona

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What is a Food Forever™ Farm? 

These Food Growing Farms are way bigger than our popular STEM & Family PLUG & GROW Food Growing Systems designed for Schools and Homes. They utilize multiple FGS-65 Deep Media Grow Beds and multiple 500 gallon Tanks to grow more food than a typical family or school would need. Food Forever™ Farms are sized to the needs of the Restaurant, Survivalist Group, Church Group, other Community Organization or Business that wants to start growing food for its members or clients. Aquaponics USA has a Sister Company called, which features Food Forever™ Farms.

Pictured here is Dr. James V. Hardt, Founder and President  of the Biocybernaut Institute. For  Dr. Hardt, contracting with Aquaponics USA's Sister Company  to build a Food Forever™ Farm just makes good sense. The Biocybernaut Institute is a Brainwave Training Program that runs intensive Brainwave Neurofeedback Trainings from morning to night for up to 9 Clients at a time with multiple Trainers, and his Clients need to be fed. The main dinner meal always consists of a big healthy salad. So what better way to present the healthiest salad possible than to grow his own Lettuce, Arugula, Kale, Tomatoes, Cucumbers Cilantro and more in his own organic Aquaponic Garden?

It also just so happens that sitting next to Dr. Hardt is our very own Grace Sylke, who has been a part-time Independent Contractor working as a Trainer for the Institute since 2005. So when Dr. Hardt decided he wanted to start growing food, he didn't have to look far for the best food growing Agra-Tech available.

Food Forever™ Farms have several other Components besides Deep Media Grow Beds seen throughout this website. They also have a Vertical Growing System we call a Lettuce Wall that is capable of growing massive amounts of Lettuce and other Leafy Greens. It's our Lettuce Wall Videos that made our TikTok Channel take off.

Above you see a Lettuce Wall that is ready to harvest. It's growing two kinds of Lettuce, Butter Lettuce and Romaine. This Lettuce Wall in our Aquaponics USA Demonstration Greenhouse is capable of growing 108 heads of Lettuce or other types of Leafy Greens like Arugula, Swiss Chard or Basil every 5 to 6 weeks. See the Video of "Harvesting the Lettuce" below. And make sure you VISIT OUR STORE.

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Above are four other Components that can be included in a Food Forever™ Farm:p

   1. Our Dilution Solution System allows Quick & Safe Additives & Conditioners to go into your AP System.

  2. The WET System helps create Clear, Clean water that is highly Oxygenated.

  3.  AquaHeat heats the Fish Tank or Tanks 24/7 without depending on expensive electric heaters.

  4. Near Vertical Lettuce Walls replace water-weight heavy DWC (Deep Water Culture) Troughs and Media Filled Grow Beds

   5. If you would like to receive a Copy of BioPonic Earth's  62 Page Document called "How  Food Forever™ Farms  Work", 

          just Click on the Email Button below & ask us to send you an NDA.

Email Us to Request an NDA

The information below only applies to our STEM & Family Food Growing Systems. It does NOT apply to Food Forever™ Farms.

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