Just A Few of the Veggies You Can  Grow 

Join Us at the ACTEAZ 50th Annual Arizona Career & Technical Education Summer Conference in Tucson

July 10-16, Booth Number To Be Announced

This is one of Five Conferences we have Listed on our Events Page


Aquaponics is the new Agra-Tech that allows you to GROW FOOD ANYWHERE without land or even the Sun. It's a Food Growing Technology in which you grow Food Fish in Tanks that are cross-linked to Raised Media Grow Beds,  Vertical Troughs or Horizontal Rafts, so the Fish effluent can Fertilize the Plants and the Plants can clean the water for the Fish.

The 4 Photos below demonstrate this Symbiotic Relationship between the Fish and the Plants:

      1.  One of our smallest STEM & Family Food Growing System, the  EZ-15, a stand-alone System. The 2 Grow Beds are cross-linked with the Fish Tank & drain back into it. The Fish in the Tank fertilize these two Grow Beds.

    2. A close up of the big Blue Tilapia that are in one of 4 Tanks in our Fishroom.

    3.  Our Fishroom with four 320 gallon Fish Tanks (1 not shown). These Fish Tanks hold the Fish that are Fertilizing all of the Plants in our Greenhouse.

    4. This is a view of our 75' x 15' Greenhouse. The Fish are Fertilizing all of these Plants and more because there's also a Vertical System producing 108 heads of Lettuce every six weeks.

In Business Since 2009

Aquaponics came roaring into our lives in 2008 when Lehman Brothers collapsed, and our entire economy almost went bust. That's when we decided we had to  learn how to Grow Food. We lived in the California desert at the time, so we knew we had to be creative. While looking for Hydroponics, which is also a Food Growing Technology that does not use soil, but uses chemicals to fertilize the plants, we discovered Aquaponics.

Right from the moment we discovered we could raise Food Fish to fertilize the Vegetables we wanted to grow, we were hooked. Aquaponics made perfect sense.

After 15 years, we are redesigning our original website that was at AquaponicsUSA.com and are converting it over to this website at AquaponicsUSA.net.

All of our products are here, including the  Pages for our Six PLUG & GROW STEM & Family Food Growing Systems

Enjoy your Visit, and be sure to GO TO OUR STORE.

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Meet, Sherry Cherry, our 4-year old Cherry Tomato Plant.

Grace narrates as Keil removes an out of control Cherry Tomato Plant Root that was causing the Grow Bed to overflow.

Testimonial by an Expert in the Field

Meet Dr. Aecio D'Silva, above. He's the Inventor of AquaBioPonics and AquaFuelsPonics Systems used for closed food, solar and biofuels Systems. He is considered a worldwide authority on innovation, improvement and renewable energy, as well as aquaculture-agriculture-biofuels-solar energy and integrated systems like Aquaponics. When Aquaponics USA installed the now discontinued FGS-40 STEM & Family Food Growing System at Davis Elementary in 2011, he got wind of the Project and jumped right in to help the Teachers learn and Teach Aquaponics. Our new Systems no longer have Water Delivery Rings on top of the Grow Beds. They have been replaced by Deep Delivery Water Diffusers that are located in the bottom of the Grow Beds.

After working with our FGS-40 for a while he told Zotero Citalcoatl, the Arizona Food Bank Garden Coordinator, who arranged the purchase of 3 of our Systems for 3 Arizona Schools, that our STEM & Family Food Growing Systems are

"the Cadillac of Aquaponics Systems". 

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